2023 in Review
A Letter from MAP President & CEO, Steve Stirling
The year 2023 was a year for big goals and exciting vision for MAP International. In recent years, MAP set forth the ambitious goal of doubling our reach across the globe. But we knew we couldn’t achieve that goal on our own. We needed you, our faithful supporters, to accomplish this incredible growth. Thanks to your generosity, 2023 turned out to be the best year yet for MAP.
Last year you helped MAP provide over 63,000,000 treatments of lifesaving medicine to people in need in 96 different countries. We also responded to 8 major disasters across the world, sending medicine, health supplies, and over 104,000 Disaster Health Kits to survivors of the Ukraine invasion, Libya floods, Maui wildfires, Hurricane Idalia, and other humanitarian crises.
MAP’s domestic impact also expanded in 2023, with MAP medicine and health supplies serving 64 clinics in 7 states across the U.S., reaching people in need here at home.
Perhaps one of the most significant things you helped us accomplish in 2023 was the addition of our new distribution center. MAP celebrated the grand opening of this new 43,500 square foot facility in December, and the extra storage space that this building provides represents countless opportunities for expansion for MAP. Because of your generous contributions to this expansion project, MAP is now more equipped than ever to double our impact across the globe.
Looking back on 2023, we see God’s hand using you to help us meet the needs of more people than ever before. We look forward to the opportunities that 2024 will bring, including deepening our partnerships, expanding the reach of our medicine, and spreading hope to people in desperate need.
This year, MAP is focused on strategically expanding our impact in several areas: Bringing Children Health, Domestic Medicine, Disaster Health Kits, and Malnutrition. Our goal is to increase worldwide access to critical items like pediatric antibiotics that save children’s lives, chronic disease medications that improve long-term health outcomes, disaster relief supplies that give hope to those who have lost everything, and multivitamins and nutritional supplements to combat the rampant issue of malnutrition.
Thank you for your incredible support of MAP’s mission this last year. Our desire is that with your continued help, we will reach even more people with health, healing, and hope in 2024.
With deepest gratitude,
Steve Stirling
President and CEO